IMDb 7.3,
MGG 9.5


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Full HD
111 minutes
Imagine a girl who has a sticker depicting an exclamation point, a kettle and a strange-looking shoes with a signature “respect me” on the rear window of her car. Now imagine the same girl behind the wheel of a big American bus speeding through the city during rush hour. It may look pretty funny but for a bomb on the bus, which will explode if the speed falls below fifty miles per hour. Passengers are in a panic and there is not so much time before the bomb explodes. An elite squad cis assigned to find the mysterious terrorist, who has already undermined an overcrowded elevator. Time is running out. A young S.W.A.T. cop Jack Traven joins forces to track the terrorist. Lives of dozens of people depend on his decisions.
Imagine a girl who has a sticker depicting an exclamation point, a kettle and a strange-looking shoes with a signature “respect me” on the rear window of her car. Now imagine the same girl behind the wheel of a big American bus speeding through the city during rush hour. It may look pretty funny but for a bomb on the bus, which will explode if the speed falls below fifty miles per hour. Passenger


English , Ukrainian, Russian


Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian