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Sonya Kay
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Sonya Kay
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The music entertainment channel is the author's project of the popular Ukrainian singer, dancer, and designer Sofiia Khliabych-Petrova. She fills the blog with her own unique content. In addition to songs, she presents various interesting life stories. Raised in the family of the artistic director of the Cheremosh Ukrainian Ensemble, Serhii Khliabych, and singer Lidiia Rotaru, sister of Sofiia Rotaru, the heroine cannot imagine her life without music and singing.
Sonia leads an active lifestyle, develops her skills rapidly, and loves to spend time in the music studio, perfecting each song to make it a well-deserved hit. The singer became famous for her hit song "Zorianyi Saundtrek," which was number one on platforms and charts for a long time.
The music entertainment channel is the author's project of the popular Ukrainian singer, dancer, and designer Sofiia Khliabych-Petrova. She fills the blog with her own unique content. In addition to songs, she presents various interesting life stories. Raised in the family of the artistic director of the Cheremosh Ukrainian Ensemble, Serhii Khliabych, and singer Lidiia Rotaru, sister of Sofiia Rot