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Muhabbat mojarosi
The Drama of Love
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Muhabbat mojarosi
The Drama of Love
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Full HD
79 minutes
In 1946, a woman receives a death notification about her husband, so together with her child, she decides to leave for the city. However, the father-in-law wants to comply with Sharia law and forces his second son to marry his daughter-in-law. Later, Mahkam unexpectedly appears at home and, having learned about the situation, settles down with lonely Mahbuba. In time, the heroine brings him back to life…
In 1946, a woman receives a death notification about her husband, so together with her child, she decides to leave for the city. However, the father-in-law wants to comply with Sharia law and forces his second son to marry his daughter-in-law. Later, Mahkam unexpectedly appears at home and, having learned about the situation, settles down with lonely Mahbuba. In time, the heroine brings him back t