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How to Get to the Future? Transformation of Education
How to Get to the Future? Transformation of Education
Kodak, Nokia, Blockbuster, Netflix, Amazon, and other equally famous brands. Each of them has its own start, a remarkable journey to becoming a leader, and, accordingly, its own path to the future. At one time, Kodak, one of the world's most famous photo companies, lost its position. Although it was this brand that produced one of the very first digital cameras. But how can we be the ones who will be in the future?
- How can you prevent mistakes, and what can help you save yourself from an irreversible failure?
- What helps transformation?
- What are the key aspects that dictate the position of a leader, and what should a leader actually dictate?
Vadym Drumov, CEO and co-founder of Hillel IT School talks about this and more. He has 15 years of experience in management, including 12 years in the development of the educational field of IT and the Digital sector with the introduction of modern methods and technologies of education.
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