Episode 2

On identity by Andrii Ivanets

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8 minutes

What does the Constitution of Ukraine say about ethnic communities? What are the largest and smallest ethnic communities in Ukraine? How did they emerge and develop, and what is their current life like? What is the difference between the concepts of the Ukrainian nation, national minorities, and indigenous peoples?

These and other questions are answered by Andrii Ivanets, Candidate of Historical Sciences, leading researcher at the National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide, representative of the Regional Council of Ukrainians of Crimea, publicist, and public figure.

What does the Constitution of Ukraine say about ethnic communities? What are the largest and smallest ethnic communities in Ukraine? How did they emerge and develop, and what is their current life like? What is the difference between the concepts of the Ukrainian nation, national minorities, and indigenous peoples? These and other questions are answered by Andrii Ivanets, Candidate of Historical

