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On identity by Oksana Horkusha
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On identity by Oksana Horkusha
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Full HD
5 minutes
What are religious, confessional, and church identities? How do they differ, what do they have in common, and how do they interact? What influence does each of these identities have on the formation of the worldview of Ukrainian citizens?
These and other questions are answered in a series of short videos by Oksana Horkusha, Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Researcher at the Department of Religious Studies at the Hryhorii Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
What are religious, confessional, and church identities? How do they differ, what do they have in common, and how do they interact? What influence does each of these identities have on the formation of the worldview of Ukrainian citizens?
These and other questions are answered in a series of short videos by Oksana Horkusha, Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Researcher at the Department of Religious