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Vladyslav “Tourist” Ovcharenko, Commander of the Bpak Unit of the Signum Unit of the 93rd Brigade “Kholodnyi Yar”
Vladyslav “Tourist” Ovcharenko, Commander of the Bpak Unit of the Signum Unit of the 93rd Brigade “Kholodnyi Yar”
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Vladyslav “Tourist” Ovcharenko, Commander of the Bpak Unit of the Signum Unit of the 93rd Brigade “Kholodnyi Yar”
Vladyslav “Tourist” Ovcharenko, Commander of the Bpak Unit of the Signum Unit of the 93rd Brigade “Kholodnyi Yar”
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Full HD
34 minutes
In the interview, Vladyslav Ovcharenko, with the call sign Tourist, commander of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Regiment of the Signum unit, talks about why the deputy's son went to war, how Serhii Sternenko is helping the unit and explains why Ukraine is unable to set up a production of drones. He shares his thoughts on the Ministry of Defense's system of incentive insignia.