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A massy sparrow
A massy sparrow
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A massy sparrow
A massy sparrow
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Full HD
18 minutes
One late winter night, a girl Masha was looking out the window. Somewhere far away there was her father who went on a long trip and presented her a brooch before leaving, a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the finest glass, which he asked to pin on the girl’s holiday dress at a school performance. But a bitter incident happened – an evil crow steals the brooch. There is only one hope – Masha’s faithful chick is going to return the missing thing...
One late winter night, a girl Masha was looking out the window. Somewhere far away there was her father who went on a long trip and presented her a brooch before leaving, a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the finest glass, which he asked to pin on the girl’s holiday dress at a school performance. But a bitter incident happened – an evil crow steals the brooch. There is only one hope – Masha’s fa