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Fairy tale about a moonlight
Fairy tale about a moonlight
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Fairy tale about a moonlight
Fairy tale about a moonlight
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Full HD
9 minutes
The story of a playful and curious black kitten, who lived with a selfless and kind doctor. One day the little prankster broke a lamp. He was genuinely sorry about what had happened and wanted to correct the situation. Going out on the balcony, he saw a light in the distance and thought it was the lamp, which could replace the host's spoiled one. The kitten bravely went through the dark streets and trails.
The story of a playful and curious black kitten, who lived with a selfless and kind doctor. One day the little prankster broke a lamp. He was genuinely sorry about what had happened and wanted to correct the situation. Going out on the balcony, he saw a light in the distance and thought it was the lamp, which could replace the host's spoiled one. The kitten bravely went through the dark streets an