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The Chumaks' Way
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The Chumaks' Way
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Full HD
9 minutes
It happened long ago on the Ukrainian land, in those days when many people could not get salt, which was the most important value. A simple lad decided to go once in distant lands to bring a little salt to his friends and relatives. His path was to be difficult and dangerous, so his close people tried to dissuade him from this trip. But the young man was really brave and courageous and decided on something that no one could even imagine...
It happened long ago on the Ukrainian land, in those days when many people could not get salt, which was the most important value. A simple lad decided to go once in distant lands to bring a little salt to his friends and relatives. His path was to be difficult and dangerous, so his close people tried to dissuade him from this trip. But the young man was really brave and courageous and decided on