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Four Inseparable Cockroaches and a Cricket
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Four Inseparable Cockroaches and a Cricket
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Full HD
9 minutes
There once was a lonely old man who out of boredom carved wooden statues of four cockroaches and adorned them. Suddenly his creations came to life and began to dance around the house under the grandfather's song. The old man liked it, because he was so bored without friends, and now he had several amusing creatures that can make a company. However, he did not suspect that they likes constant fun...
There once was a lonely old man who out of boredom carved wooden statues of four cockroaches and adorned them. Suddenly his creations came to life and began to dance around the house under the grandfather's song. The old man liked it, because he was so bored without friends, and now he had several amusing creatures that can make a company. However, he did not suspect that they likes constant fun..