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Everything can happen in the forest
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Everything can happen in the forest
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Full HD
10 minutes
Three stories about forest dwellers and the problems they face. The first one is about a bunny, to which the doctor-owl was trying to help get rid of the fear, convincing him that the bunny is actually a predator, so others should be afraid of him. The second one is about a sweet hedgehog that once saw a fish in the pond and fell in love with her . But can this feeling overcome the belonging to different elements? The third one tells about unusual musical concerts of animals.
Three stories about forest dwellers and the problems they face. The first one is about a bunny, to which the doctor-owl was trying to help get rid of the fear, convincing him that the bunny is actually a predator, so others should be afraid of him. The second one is about a sweet hedgehog that once saw a fish in the pond and fell in love with her . But can this feeling overcome the belonging to di