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Coloured Milk
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Coloured Milk
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Full HD
8 minutes
A grandson, who rarely rests on the nature and looks pale and sickly, came to the village to his grandmother. The boy likes geese, a cow and the local nature here. He pulls into the local life, begins to make friends with animals, walks with them in the meadows and glades, and does not even notice that he is changing his health to the delight of his grandmother. And the mysterious colored milk was the reason for the transformation.
A grandson, who rarely rests on the nature and looks pale and sickly, came to the village to his grandmother. The boy likes geese, a cow and the local nature here. He pulls into the local life, begins to make friends with animals, walks with them in the meadows and glades, and does not even notice that he is changing his health to the delight of his grandmother. And the mysterious colored milk was