Parasolka Becomes a Watch Volunteer
IMDb 6.0,
MGG 7.2

Parasolka Becomes a Watch Volunteer

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Full HD
7 minutes
This time a little man by the name Parasolka goes to the park where he is going to play chess and enjoy the warm serene afternoon. However, the idyll is suddenly destroyed by bullies who push him off the bench and then scare the children at the site. At first Parasolka does not get involved in the fight with them, but when the two insolent guys overtake him during a walk along the river, Parasolka decides to fight using his methods...
This time a little man by the name Parasolka goes to the park where he is going to play chess and enjoy the warm serene afternoon. However, the idyll is suddenly destroyed by bullies who push him off the bench and then scare the children at the site. At first Parasolka does not get involved in the fight with them, but when the two insolent guys overtake him during a walk along the river, Parasolka

