The Rising Hawk
IMDb 5.8,
MGG 7.6

The Rising Hawk

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Full HD
130 minutes
Burunda Khan wends the way towards the Carpathian Mountains at the head of the Mongol hordes, destroying everything in his path. Having reached the goal, the army stays overnight, and the Berkut brothers take advantage of the opportunity to release the prisoners. This provokes the fury of the khan, and he wants revenge more than anything else in the world. However, Zakhar Berkut and his people do not fear the wrath of the enemy. Everything changes when the elder's son falls in love with the daughter of a Mongol boyar.
Burunda Khan wends the way towards the Carpathian Mountains at the head of the Mongol hordes, destroying everything in his path. Having reached the goal, the army stays overnight, and the Berkut brothers take advantage of the opportunity to release the prisoners. This provokes the fury of the khan, and he wants revenge more than anything else in the world. However, Zakhar Berkut and his people do



