Lilo & Stitch
Lilo & Stitch
IMDb 7.3,
MGG 8.1

Lilo & Stitch

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Full HD
81 minutes
Lilo is a little girl who lives in Hawaii. She is an orphan and lives with her older sister Nani. Lilo loves all animals, but most of all she made friends with a dog named Stitch, which is actually not a dog, but a disguised alien. It happened like this: a criminal named Stitch was transported to the intergalactic prison, but he managed to escape and land on Earth, where he met Lilo. And then Stich pretended to be a dog in order to hide from the Intergalactic police harassment. Now Stitch learns what wasn't taught - caring for others.
Lilo is a little girl who lives in Hawaii. She is an orphan and lives with her older sister Nani. Lilo loves all animals, but most of all she made friends with a dog named Stitch, which is actually not a dog, but a disguised alien. It happened like this: a criminal named Stitch was transported to the intergalactic prison, but he managed to escape and land on Earth, where he met Lilo. And then Stic


Inglés, Ruso


Inglés, Ruso