Jack Strong
Jack Strong
IMDb 7.0,
MGG 6.0

Jack Strong

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Full HD
122 minutes
The year 1968. Major Ryszard Kukliński prepares a plan for military exercises of the Warsaw Treaty Organization member states. He is well aware that the Soviet Union is considering a massive attack on Western Europe and NATO countries, which, lacking sufficient conventional weapons, will be forced to counterattack with nuclear strikes on his native Poland, through which the forces of the first and second throw will pass.
The year 1968. Major Ryszard Kukliński prepares a plan for military exercises of the Warsaw Treaty Organization member states. He is well aware that the Soviet Union is considering a massive attack on Western Europe and NATO countries, which, lacking sufficient conventional weapons, will be forced to counterattack with nuclear strikes on his native Poland, through which the forces of the first and




Polish (forced subtitles)