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The Series for Parents "Child Safety on the Internet" (Sign Language)
The Series for Parents "Child Safety on the Internet" (Sign Language)
The educational series with digital literacy will help to learn how to use technology in work and study and will be useful for professional and personal development. Seasons are divided by themes, so you can choose the right one and master the digital competence you want.
In the first educational series, together with Olga Sumskaya, we will learn how to set up gadgets, send e-mails and share photos. Season about basic digital skills everyone needs.
How to google correctly, stay connected, and fix the computer that hangs up — we will deal with Nadezhda Matveeva in the second season of the series about basic digital skills.
Together with Ruslan Khanumak we will learn to google several requests at once, work on our own image in social networks, and also learn what is copyright content and how to use it without violating the rights of other users.
The movie contains sign language interpretation for the hearing impaired.