Après mai
Après mai
IMDb 6.4,
MGG 6.4

Après mai

Do ulubionych
Full HD
121 min
Beginning of the 1970s in Paris. Among young people there are ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Youth comes to rallies, being inspired by the ideas of socialism and communism. Authorities brutally suppress all dissent. A young Gil enters the political game by creating a movie. Besides fighting for the idea in his life there is a place for feelings of love, which are no less important for each developed individual.
Beginning of the 1970s in Paris. Among young people there are ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Youth comes to rallies, being inspired by the ideas of socialism and communism. Authorities brutally suppress all dissent. A young Gil enters the political game by creating a movie. Besides fighting for the idea in his life there is a place for feelings of love, which are no less important for


Rosyjski, Francuski

