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You feel sad. You're alone. You're bored. You don't care.
At least once (probably more than once), every person has experienced these emotional states. Sometimes all of them at once.
The pace and intensity of modern life give us many privileges, but it can also trigger some psycho-emotional issues that our ancestors would never think about. Emotional burnout is a pretty common one. According to Forbes, this problem is so widespread that more than half of Americans faced it last year alone. The figures are quite indicative, and they are a kind of median for residents of other Western countries. Representatives of the creative industry are the most likely to be exposed to emotional burnout.
That is, every second person in the Western world is likely to have experienced a difficult period of emotional burnout in their life. However, research does not say what percentage of these people were able to overcome this problem independently and how many of them need help right now. It doesn't say how many of them are your colleagues, friends and relatives. Maybe you are among them too.
In the turbulent 2022 we have selected the most accurate artistic expressions on emotional burnout and creative crisis. Thirteen talented animation works highlight this situation for those lucky enough to observe this problem from the outside. They also give support and empathise with those who have encountered it tête-à-tête.
"I’M FINE!" project is supported by the British Council under the UK/Ukraine Season of Culture.