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Golden Hair
Do ulubionych
Golden Hair
Do ulubionych
16 min
The cartoon is based on the story by P.Bazhov. Once upon a time, when the forest was almost impassable only the hunters went there. Once a young and dashing hunter saw a beautiful girl with incredible golden hair on the shore of the forest lake. But the young man will have to fight for his love, because the whole wealth is woven into the girl's hair whose powerful and ferocious father does not want to let it go.
The cartoon is based on the story by P.Bazhov. Once upon a time, when the forest was almost impassable only the hunters went there. Once a young and dashing hunter saw a beautiful girl with incredible golden hair on the shore of the forest lake. But the young man will have to fight for his love, because the whole wealth is woven into the girl's hair whose powerful and ferocious father does not wan