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The Adventures of Kotigoroshek and His Friends
The Adventures of Kotigoroshek and His Friends
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The Adventures of Kotigoroshek and His Friends
The Adventures of Kotigoroshek and His Friends
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0.1 USD
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Full HD
13 minutes
This adventure series for children from 6 to 9 is full of sorcery, wisdom and humor. Nice and bright tales show kids what is good and what is bad in a fascinating way and without unnecessary teachings. Created in the art of classical hand-drawn animation, the cartoon conveys coloring folklore. In the modern interpretation of folk tales, a new comic character Hoopoe bird appears that loves to lie and exaggerate. Besides, epic heroes turn into super-heroes, endowed with super-powers, which modern kids will certainly like. This gave entertainment to the cartoon and contemporary sound to the folk tales.
This adventure series for children from 6 to 9 is full of sorcery, wisdom and humor. Nice and bright tales show kids what is good and what is bad in a fascinating way and without unnecessary teachings. Created in the art of classical hand-drawn animation, the cartoon conveys coloring folklore. In the modern interpretation of folk tales, a new comic character Hoopoe bird appears that loves to lie a