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Snow Concert. Boombox, Jamala, Dantes, Pianoboy, Nerves, Zhenya Halych, Alina Pash, and More
Snow Concert. Boombox, Jamala, Dantes, Pianoboy, Nerves, Zhenya Halych, Alina Pash, and More
The New Year's miracle exists! Boombox, Jamala, DANTES, Nervy, Zhenya Galich, Rianboy, Alina Pash, OTOY, Krut, Zbaraski, Tonkaya, Ofliyan, Constantine, LAUD, XXV-frame, and DIXI — friendly musicians gathered together to record the most festive live shows of the outgoing year.
Subscribe to the channel: http://bit.ly/megogolive.
The humor at the "Snow Concert" will be provided by daring stand-up comedian Vanya Barbul, astrologer Alexandra Kruglenkaya and comedians and folk theater absurdist "Vorobushek" Oleg Svishch and Vasya Baidak.
Be sure to share the concert with friends who like contemporary Ukrainian music!
Producer: Zhenya Halych
Director: Valeria Dobrovolskaya
DOP — Maria Kurchenko, Alexander Konovalov, Viktor Chernomiz
Scriptwriter, idea writer — Victoria Kukritskaya
Sound engineer — Kostya Puga
Graphics — Kostya Baranovsky, Viktoriya Kukritskaya
Technical Director — Victor Chernomiz
Linear Producer - Rostislav Dumich
Editor — Vlad Mikheev
Make-up artists — Nastya Buremskaya, Alina Artushenko, Lesya Khizhnyak
Location — Recording Studio PRIMAT Production