Dracula 2000
Dracula 2000
IMDb 4.9,
MGG 8.0

Dracula 2000

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Full HD
99 minutes
A gang of thieves, equipped with the latest technology, enters the famous store of a London antiquarian Van Helsing. Taking prey, they hide from the country. The worried Van Helsing goes to find the robbers, and after him his assistant, Simon, goes being intrigued by the mystery of Antiquities. The one whom Simon eventually faces exceeds all expectations! His power is boundless, and his acts are terrible! His name is Dracula. And only one person in the world knows the truth. But nobody knows the whole truth!
A gang of thieves, equipped with the latest technology, enters the famous store of a London antiquarian Van Helsing. Taking prey, they hide from the country. The worried Van Helsing goes to find the robbers, and after him his assistant, Simon, goes being intrigued by the mystery of Antiquities. The one whom Simon eventually faces exceeds all expectations! His power is boundless, and his acts are t


English , Ukrainian, Russian, Azerbaijani, Polish


Russian, Czech, Polish, Romanian, Slovak