Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
IMDb 7.0,
MGG 6.3

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

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Full HD
127 minutes
Complex and intricate political games of intrigue and conflict of interests between the two countries maintained constantly. Intelligence services in this game have a severe, sometimes, of paramount importance. At the very top of the British intelligence MI6 service a Russian spy is working for many years. It is not always advantageous to recognize this fact, and the costs of his work could be very unexpected. Extraordinary talented people who are currently still in favor, tomorrow can become only pawns in other people's games; they will sacrificed "for the benefit of business." An investigation among the colleagues is a very delicate matter, it is like to disassemble and assemble the aircraft during flight.
Complex and intricate political games of intrigue and conflict of interests between the two countries maintained constantly. Intelligence services in this game have a severe, sometimes, of paramount importance. At the very top of the British intelligence MI6 service a Russian spy is working for many years. It is not always advantageous to recognize this fact, and the costs of his work could be ver


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