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Anatoly Kalmykov
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Anatoly Kalmykov
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13 minutes
A fascinating channel for real anglers. Here there are videos about fishing with such methods as twitching, jigging, trolling, fishing with feeder, fishing rods and other tackle. The audience will also find interesting reviews of reels, spinning rods, all kinds of baits, navigators and echo sounders. Fishermen will learn about techniques for catching different fish and finding the best places to do so.
A fascinating channel for real anglers. Here there are videos about fishing with such methods as twitching, jigging, trolling, fishing with feeder, fishing rods and other tackle. The audience will also find interesting reviews of reels, spinning rods, all kinds of baits, navigators and echo sounders. Fishermen will learn about techniques for catching different fish and finding the best places to d