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O'n uch terak ko'chasi
Thirteen Poplars Street
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O'n uch terak ko'chasi
Thirteen Poplars Street
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63 minutes
After the damaging earthquake in Tashkent the volunteers began to gather in the injured city from all the republics in order to help in the reconstruction of a beautiful restful spot which it had been at one time. The young Ukrainians didn’t become an exception; they selflessly traveled through the whole country to help the strangers. The film will tell about their role in the rectification of the consequences of the natural hazard.
After the damaging earthquake in Tashkent the volunteers began to gather in the injured city from all the republics in order to help in the reconstruction of a beautiful restful spot which it had been at one time. The young Ukrainians didn’t become an exception; they selflessly traveled through the whole country to help the strangers. The film will tell about their role in the rectification of the