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Summer in Antarctica
Summer in Antarctica
Sasha decides that a trip to Antarctica is just what he needs. However, will he be able to get there and how will his audio series end?
The audio series is based on a true story — the journey of journalist and writer Markiyan Prokhasko, who was able to realise his dream and get to Antarctica. He later wrote a book about it, Dream of Antarctica, which was published by the Old Lion Publishing House.
Director and screenwriter — Dmytro Levytskyi
Editor — Olesya Pavlyshyn
Sound Editors — Vasyl Yavtushenko and Asya Fedoskina
Actors — Oleksandr Rudko, Maria Bruni
Producer — Yuliia Bilous
The team would like to thank Markiyan Prokhasko, Yevhen Dykyi, Anton Omelchenko, Maria Pavlovska, Sergiy Komisarenko, Bogdan Palamarchuk, and the students of "Newton" public school for their participation in the documentary part of the series.
Produced by MEGOGO Audio