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Atlas Online. раша Гудбай
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Atlas Online. раша Гудбай
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Atlas will put you in a good mood at the online charity concert this year. Cool "Levy Na Dzhypi" guys will be the hosts, and the fighting spirit of Ukrainians will be supported by Kalush, VERKA SERDUCHKA, Enter Shikari, Jerry Heil, Kola, Jamala, and many others. During the online show, there will be fundraising for 50 BANDERASOLAR portable power plants for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. You also can contribute.
Atlas will put you in a good mood at the online charity concert this year. Cool "Levy Na Dzhypi" guys will be the hosts, and the fighting spirit of Ukrainians will be supported by Kalush, VERKA SERDUCHKA, Enter Shikari, Jerry Heil, Kola, Jamala, and many others. During the online show, there will be fundraising for 50 BANDERASOLAR portable power plants for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. You also can