Experimental Animation: From the Ghost's View
Experimental Animation: From the Ghost's View

Experimental Animation: From the Ghost's View

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A legendary bear hunter who became a congressman; an unmourned victim of a dictatorial regime; a phantom wandering through their memories and the attractions of a winter fair. These are all "ghosts" that receive subjectivity in this section's films. They are joined by works about annoying ghosts of the past, including a gigantic monument to a communist, the demolition of which was not financed on time, and portraits of privileged Thai people, disturbing old traumas of social inequality. The programme concludes with exquisite cinematic "ghosts" created in the darkroom by director Peter Tscherkassky who reprinted footage from world cinema onto aged black-and-white celluloid and assembled them into a catastrophic picture of unceasing progress.

A legendary bear hunter who became a congressman; an unmourned victim of a dictatorial regime; a phantom wandering through their memories and the attractions of a winter fair. These are all "ghosts" that receive subjectivity in this section's films. They are joined by works about annoying ghosts of the past, including a gigantic monument to a communist, the demolition of which was not financed on


English , Arabic (not all episodes), German (not all episodes)


English (not all episodes), Ukrainian (not all episodes)