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English in Songs. Bad Habits of Ed Sheeran. Analysis of the Song Bad Habits.
English in Songs. Bad Habits of Ed Sheeran. Analysis of the Song Bad Habits.
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English in Songs. Bad Habits of Ed Sheeran. Analysis of the Song Bad Habits.
English in Songs. Bad Habits of Ed Sheeran. Analysis of the Song Bad Habits.
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Full HD
11 minutes
Knowledge test
In learning English, the audience is helped by a redheaded guy with a guitar who has managed to win over listeners from different countries. Yuliia Kravchenko provides an analysis of a new song by Ed Sheeran. Thanks to this, people can not only learn interesting phrases and grammatical constructions from the English language but also learn about the performer's bad habits.
Knowledge testIn learning English, the audience is helped by a redheaded guy with a guitar who has managed to win over listeners from different countries. Yuliia Kravchenko provides an analysis of a new