IMDb 6.7,
MGG 7.8


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Full HD
106 minutes
In November 2015, Paris experienced the worst terrorist attacks in its history. Nearly 400 people became victims of carefully planned acts of violence. But the perpetrators were not going to stop there. To prevent future threats, two agents will have to conduct one of the large-scaled investigations in the history of the Old World and prevent criminals from striking again. Now not only France, but all of Europe is in danger.
In November 2015, Paris experienced the worst terrorist attacks in its history. Nearly 400 people became victims of carefully planned acts of violence. But the perpetrators were not going to stop there. To prevent future threats, two agents will have to conduct one of the large-scaled investigations in the history of the Old World and prevent criminals from striking again. Now not only France, but


Ukrainian, Ukrainian with audio description, Russian, French


Ukrainian (forced subtitles), Russian