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Kudriavka’s Carols (Sign Language)
Kudriavka’s Carols (Sign Language)
Christmas musical movie. Eight ancient carols were collected during special search expeditions. Now they have found a new breath in combination with the electronic sound of Yaroslav Maiak and sounded to a wide audience with the voices of famous Ukrainian artists for the first time:
JAMALA — «Ой грало море в неділю рано»
DANTES — «А в полі-полі вишня стояла»
WELLBOY — «Із-за гаю зеленого»
Tonka — «Ой, добрий вечір, пан-хазяїну»
TERY — «А в пана-пана»
YUYU — «А в нашого хазяїна»
Lely45 — «А що звечора»
ShchukaRyba — «Ой була, була в батечка дочка»
The project aims to keep the Ukrainian traditions of Christmas, which for years were subjected to the propaganda of "sharovarshchyna", as well as modernize them with a cool sound. After all, this is part of our present, not a sacred past hidden in a chest.
Directed by Liron Dobrovolska
Director of photography — Viktor Chornomyz