There's Something About Mary
There's Something About Mary
IMDb 7.1,
MGG 7.8

There's Something About Mary

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Full HD
114 minutes
It all started 13 years ago when Ted was a chronic loser and a coward, who could drive crazy his own psychiatrist and at the most important day in his life managed to get his balls caught in a zipper. He is not a lucky one, but at the age of 17 he met Mary. They were supposed to go to a prom together, but that thing with zipper put an end to their romance. So, 13 years later, Ted hires a private detective to find the woman of his dreams. Mary has a unique gift to charm all men around her.
It all started 13 years ago when Ted was a chronic loser and a coward, who could drive crazy his own psychiatrist and at the most important day in his life managed to get his balls caught in a zipper. He is not a lucky one, but at the age of 17 he met Mary. They were supposed to go to a prom together, but that thing with zipper put an end to their romance. So, 13 years later, Ted hires a private d


English , Ukrainian, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish


Russian, Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian