Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
IMDb 6.2,
MGG 9.0

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

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Full HD
127 minutes
Gordon Gekko is a corporate raider who comes out of prison and finds himself in a completely new world on the verge of a financial crisis. He understands that his methods are outdated and his reputation is far from perfect, so he accepts the deal of a young trader Jacob Moore. He has to fix relationships between the old man and his daughter, who hasn’t talked to him for 11 years and blames Gordon for her brother’s suicide, and help Jacob to top the financial ladder.
Gordon Gekko is a corporate raider who comes out of prison and finds himself in a completely new world on the verge of a financial crisis. He understands that his methods are outdated and his reputation is far from perfect, so he accepts the deal of a young trader Jacob Moore. He has to fix relationships between the old man and his daughter, who hasn’t talked to him for 11 years and blames Gordon


English , Ukrainian, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish


Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian