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Women's Manifesto "You Are a Great Power"
Women's Manifesto "You Are a Great Power"
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Women's Manifesto "You Are a Great Power"
Women's Manifesto "You Are a Great Power"
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Full HD
3 minutes
This project is a manifesto about the power and talent of women in Ukraine and abroad. Today they are changing the world, making great discoveries, and inspiring millions with their art. They raise generations, save lives, and fight on the front lines.
The women's manifesto "You Are a Great Power" was created by MEGOGO LIVE in partnership with UN Women in Ukraine in support of the independent Women in Arts award to remind you once again how much this world needs you. The song was performed by popular Ukrainian singers: Sasha Koltsova ("Krykhitka"), Roxolana, Marina Krut, and Olena Karas ("Tonka"). The manifesto was arranged by sound producer and musician Yaroslav Tatarchenko, who is known for his participation in the Tonka band and the electronic solo project Bunht.
This project is a manifesto about the power and talent of women in Ukraine and abroad. Today they are changing the world, making great discoveries, and inspiring millions with their art. They raise generations, save lives, and fight on the front lines.
The women's manifesto "You Are a Great Power" was created by MEGOGO LIVE in partnership with UN Women in Ukraine in support of the independent Wo