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How to Open Your Own Design Bureau? Nastia Zherebetska and Volodymyr Smyrnov
How to Open Your Own Design Bureau? Nastia Zherebetska and Volodymyr Smyrnov
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How to Open Your Own Design Bureau? Nastia Zherebetska and Volodymyr Smyrnov
How to Open Your Own Design Bureau? Nastia Zherebetska and Volodymyr Smyrnov
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Full HD
38 minutes
Spiilka's funders will share their experience of opening a design bureau. First, we will truly analyze all the pros and cons and determine whether it is worth starting your own business and what you shouldn't expect. In the end, we will talk about 5 important steps to take before and during the process of opening a studio. Based on real-life cases and failed attempts.