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Austin. The World Upside Down
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Austin. The World Upside Down
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Full HD
42 minutes
The documentary project, created by representatives of the Memorial memory platform, introduces viewers to the lead singer of Reve ta Stohne, Maksym Ostiak, who died while participating in battles since the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. After the February attack, the musician went to defend his country. Having gone on a combat mission in the Kharkiv region, Maksym never returned...
The documentary project, created by representatives of the Memorial memory platform, introduces viewers to the lead singer of Reve ta Stohne, Maksym Ostiak, who died while participating in battles since the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. After the February attack, the musician went to defend his country. Having gone on a combat mission in the Kharkiv region, Maksym never return