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Yig'lama Kumush
Weeping Silver
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Yig'lama Kumush
Weeping Silver
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76 minutes
The heroine endures the beatings of her angry husband. The woman does not tell anyone about the domestic violence and cannot leave the house because she is afraid of being judged by the people around her. In addition, the husband is convinced of the correctness of his actions. Soon the girl's brother learns about what is going on and decides to stand up for her because even her mother did not interfere in her daughter's relationship.
The heroine endures the beatings of her angry husband. The woman does not tell anyone about the domestic violence and cannot leave the house because she is afraid of being judged by the people around her. In addition, the husband is convinced of the correctness of his actions. Soon the girl's brother learns about what is going on and decides to stand up for her because even her mother did not inte