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Atlas online. Donation day off
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Atlas online. Donation day off
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Shall we spend a summer evening with Atlas? Listen to Ukrainian artists and watch comedians' stand-ups online
Every year, Atlas Festival organizes fantastic concerts that take people to a new reality and leave pleasant memories in everyone's mind
.This time, Atlas returns to the Kyiv stage. The main goal is to raise 2 million hryvnias for the victims of the Russian invasion. Watch the charity festival online on MEGOGO
Shall we spend a summer evening with Atlas?
Listen to Ukrainian artists and watch comedians' stand-ups online
Every year, Atlas Festival organizes fantastic concerts that take people to a new reality and leave pleasant memories in everyone's mind .
This time, Atlas returns to the Kyiv stage. The main goal is to raise 2 million hryvnias for the victims of the Russian invasion. Watch the chari