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Women's leadership during the war
Women's leadership in time of war
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Women's leadership during the war
Women's leadership in time of war
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Full HD
253 minutes
Ukrainian women have faced many challenges since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. They manage large projects, volunteer in flashpoints, take care of the wounded, and defend their homeland with arms in hand. This forum aims to bring together people from different fields to discuss women's leadership in wartime, gender equality in the security and defense sector, and many other important topics. Watch the all-Ukrainian forum on MEGOGO.
Ukrainian women have faced many challenges since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. They manage large projects, volunteer in flashpoints, take care of the wounded, and defend their homeland with arms in hand. This forum aims to bring together people from different fields to discuss women's leadership in wartime, gender equality in the security and defense sector, and many other important to