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Faine Misto Music Festival
Faine Misto Music Festival
Start of the event: 28.07.23 16:00.
Faine Misto is a festival of great people from different cities! This year's event will be held for charity to speed up the victory and raise funds for the soldiers of the Azov Brigade. Turn on the performances of Ukrainian artists on MEGOGO.
July 28
16:00 Opening Ceremony
16:10 Omana
16:40 Artyleriia
17:05 Struktura Shchastia
17:45 0%Mercury
18:10 Epolets
18:55 Renie Cares
19:25 Odyn v kanoe
20:15 Motor'rolla
20:45 Zhadan i Sobaky
21:45 Krykhitka
22:45 Hatespeech
23:45 The Last Performances of the Day
July 29
13:35 Reiva
14:15 Burned Time Machine
14:55 Rohata Zhaba
15:35 True Tough
16:00 Fresh Talent of the Day
16:10 Red Side
16:40 Nytso Potvorno
17:05 Violet
17:45 YUYU
18:10 The Unsleeping
18:55 Rolliks
19:45 Speech by the Wife of the Fallen Azov Soldier in Olenivka
19:55 Rome
20:45 TNMK
21:45 Tember Blanche
22:45 Ignea
23:45 The Last Performances of the Day
July 30
13:35 WentSeat
14:15 Grayshapes
14:55 Dzhozers
15:35 Telema
16:00 Fresh Talent of the Day
16:10 Mazepa
16:40 Folkulaka
17:05 Dity Inzheneriv
17:45 Sasha Boole
18:10 Zwyntar
18:55 Veremii
19:25 Khrystyna Solovii
20:15 Lely45
20:45 Vopli Vidopliasova
21:45 Palindrom
22:45 Detach
23:45 The Last Performances of the Day