English marathon. High level

English marathon. High level

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In this series of videos, you will learn the 5 most important high-level topics, to finally learn the difference between complex tenses and learn to use them correctly. We will study:
- the difference between the two grammatical tenses of the present tense, Present Simple and Present Continuous, but not usual, simple moments, but advanced moments in the difference in the use of these constructions.
- the difference between the four controversial grammatical tenses Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past
Continuous, and Present Perfect Continuous.
- different ways of expressing the future tense. To be able to use not only Future Simple, Future Continuous, "to be going to", but also other aspects such as Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous, and even Present Simple in the future sense.
- different forms of verbs: gerund (verbs ending in "ing") and infinitive (verbs ending in "to"). You will know how different forms can change the meaning of a sentence.
- connecting words that establish a connection between the subject and the predicate. Some of these words contain the verbs "to be", "to seem", "to become", "to keep", "to prove", "to remain".

In this series of videos, you will learn the 5 most important high-level topics, to finally learn the difference between complex tenses and learn to use them correctly. We will study: - the difference between the two grammatical tenses of the present tense, Present Simple and Present Continuous, but not usual, simple moments, but advanced moments in the difference in the use of these constructions

