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7 definitions of the GET VERB
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7 definitions of the GET VERB
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3 minutes
Did you know that the English verb ‘get’ has more than 200 meanings?
You know for sure that "get” means "receive" and we’d like you to learn 7 more popular meanings of this verb in our new educational video.
Depending on the part of speech that follows this verb, its meaning can change dramatically. Turn on a new video in which Katya Kovalyova explains in detail the 7 most necessary meanings of the verb ‘get’ and gives examples.
Did you know that the English verb ‘get’ has more than 200 meanings?
You know for sure that "get” means "receive" and we’d like you to learn 7 more popular meanings of this verb in our new educational video.
Depending on the part of speech that follows this verb, its meaning can change dramatically. Turn on a new video in which Katya Kovalyova explains in detail the 7 most necessary meanings of t