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10 most commonly mispronounced words in English
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10 most commonly mispronounced words in English
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3 minutes
Do you often struggle with the pronunciation of English words? High five! It’s challenging indeed! Green Forest teacher from Lviv Kristina Pasechnik tells about top 10 challenging words to pronounce in her video.
Turn on the video now to learn how to pronounce the following words in English: clothes, suit, genre, film, schedule, climbing, salmon, herb, almond, etc. And learn some pronunciation rules that can be applied to other similar words as well.
Do you often struggle with the pronunciation of English words? High five! It’s challenging indeed! Green Forest teacher from Lviv Kristina Pasechnik tells about top 10 challenging words to pronounce in her video.
Turn on the video now to learn how to pronounce the following words in English: clothes, suit, genre, film, schedule, climbing, salmon, herb, almond, etc. And learn some pronunciation r