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The Road to the Dream
The Road to the Dream
A documentary by the Memorial platform dedicated to the memory of Anatolii Dreval, the owner of the Mriya buggy center. He was shot by the Russian military during the occupation of Kyiv Oblast.
Anatolii Dreval was a champion in all-around automotive competitions, a brilliant car mechanic and stuntman. Cars have always been his passion. In his last years, he had his own buggy center in the village of Myla, Kyiv Oblast. He also lived there. Things were going well. Even at the age of 70, Anatolii continued to teach defensive driving, repair cars, do reconstructions, and come up with competitions for adults and children. But on February 24, 2022, a full-scale war broke out.
Although the occupiers were very close, Anatolii decided to stay at home. He helped the Armed Forces of Ukraine: he repaired military equipment and sheltered Ukrainian defenders.
In early March 2022, Russian soldiers broke into Anatolii's yard. They shot at his dogs, killing two of them. The man came out to the sound of the shots with a screwdriver in his hands... The Russians shot him dead on the doorstep of his own home.
Later, a shell hit the house, and almost everything burned down. Anatolii's body was found on April 7, 2022...
Help preserve the memory of everyone whose life was cut short because of Russia's war against Ukraine. Fill out the form with information about your loved ones and friends who passed away because of the war:
- For fallen soldiers: https://forms.gle/gx6rCHNBCnSbPdXM6
- For fallen civilians: https://forms.gle/dR3P4EUWd2VVbM7Q6