So, What About Color? (Sign Language)

So, What About Color? (Sign Language)

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140 minutes

This is an incredibly impractical lecture. After it, you won't learn how to pick the perfect color pairs. You won't be able to sell your work for more. You won't even get extra likes or new clients.

There is no rational reason to learn more about color symbolism. And it is about symbolism that we will speak.
But there are many irrational reasons.

For example, it will become a little easier for you to live. Now you will know why you chose a particular color, what it means, and what it doesn't mean. You will be able to make conscious choices. You will be able to justify your color decisions with something bolder than "it just looks better" (although that is important too). And most importantly, you will have a million stories to tell your colleagues or clients, impressing them with your intellectual designer persona.

But seriously. There are many myths and interpretations of color symbolism. Some believe that red is the color of happiness, while others believe it is the color of death. Where is the truth? And does it even exist?

In the lecture, we will discuss the meaning and symbolism of the primary colors — black, white, yellow, green, blue, and red.
It doesn't seem like much, but believe me, we will have plenty to do.
So. Color?

Oleksandr Trehub — designer, co-founder, and CEO of Projector Institute, publisher of

This is an incredibly impractical lecture. After it, you won't learn how to pick the perfect color pairs. You won't be able to sell your work for more. You won't even get extra likes or new clients. There is no rational reason to learn more about color symbolism. And it is about symbolism that we will speak. But there are many irrational reasons. For example, it will become a little easier for

