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On identity by Nataliia Khomenko
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On identity by Nataliia Khomenko
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How does song and music creativity shape identity? How was Ukrainian culture repressed through song and music? What colonial stereotypes were spread through song and music, and how have Ukrainians' attitudes toward their culture changed now?
These and other questions are answered by Nataliia Khomenko, a folklorist, performer, Candidate of Philology, assistant professor at the Department of Folklore Studies at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
How does song and music creativity shape identity? How was Ukrainian culture repressed through song and music? What colonial stereotypes were spread through song and music, and how have Ukrainians' attitudes toward their culture changed now?
These and other questions are answered by Nataliia Khomenko, a folklorist, performer, Candidate of Philology, assistant professor at the Department of Folklo