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Sextortion: Online Coercion and Blackmail
Sextortion: Online Coercion and Blackmail
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Sextortion: Online Coercion and Blackmail
Sextortion: Online Coercion and Blackmail
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Full HD
2 minutes
Sextortion, sometimes called "blackmail" on the Internet, is when a person threatens to share explicit (nude or sexual) images or private or confidential information on the Internet or threatens to harm someone if the person does not comply with the offender's demands.
The cartoon explains how criminals can gain children's trust, how to recognize them, and what to do and not to do if a child is already in a difficult situation.
Sextortion, sometimes called "blackmail" on the Internet, is when a person threatens to share explicit (nude or sexual) images or private or confidential information on the Internet or threatens to harm someone if the person does not comply with the offender's demands.
The cartoon explains how criminals can gain children's trust, how to recognize them, and what to do and not to do if a child is al