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Social Media: Ways to Stay Healthy
Social Media: Ways to Stay Healthy
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Social Media: Ways to Stay Healthy
Social Media: Ways to Stay Healthy
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Full HD
2 minutes
Communicating on social media with family, friends, and others is great. It's nice when we get likes and views. But sometimes, social media can make us feel stressed, sad, jealous, and lonely. It seems like everyone else is cooler and having a better time than we are. If social media has ever made you feel this way, you're not alone. In this cartoon, we've put together some tips on how to stay mentally healthy while using social media. So, watch the cartoon, recommend it to parents and children, and learn something new together.
Communicating on social media with family, friends, and others is great. It's nice when we get likes and views. But sometimes, social media can make us feel stressed, sad, jealous, and lonely. It seems like everyone else is cooler and having a better time than we are. If social media has ever made you feel this way, you're not alone. In this cartoon, we've put together some tips on how to stay men